
...observations on my life and things around me...

Monday, November 28, 2005

y'all should read this

You should read David's post on Christmas:

Now I know that David is not an antichristmastarian yet but I believe he might be on his way...Our numbers are growing! We are going to take over the world! Bwahahaha!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

going home....or leaving home?

I'm packing to go back to school while my sister is complaining about my lack of updating. Therefore, I am now updating while surrounded by the clothes that remain unpacked and various homework assignments that were supposed to be completed over the weekend (forget that idea...)

It's been a good break :-). My aunt, uncle and cousin left this morning, and my grandparents are leaving tomorrow. At which time I will be sitting in class. OK, Sara, stop making yourself depressed. I love school, I really do, but sometimes when you are near the end of the semester it just seems to drag on and on... I have the strangest feeling no one is going to agree with me about loving school. Oh well!

So nothin much is going why am I updating since y'alls will just be bored stiff?

I got two pairs of new shoes over break. I should take pictures and post them. Wouldn't that be cool? I could have shoes of the week or something. Although I really don't think that could compete with car of the week.

I am sure by now at least my male readers ARE bored stiff, which is a signal to stop the post and return to packing/trying to do some homework/looking for stuff I lost/etc.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


I am in enemy territory. And we have conquered it! The score of the Old Oaken Bucket (IU-Purdue) football game was 41 to 14!

Last night we drove down here and stopped at Kelly's house for dinner. After the game we went to the mall (I haven't been in one of those for WAY too long...probably a good thing considering my budget right now!) and Target. Kelly had to leave and Liz and I considered going out but ended up just doing dorky is that? Some of her best friends from high school stopped by so I finally got to meet some of the people I've heard a lot about.

Sara's schedule in case you were wondering...
Monday: Big(gish) art project due. At 7:30 a.m. Not liking that idea so much. Tuesday: Big exam. Study from whenever I get up until 3 pm. Tuesday night: GO HOME! Wednesday through Sunday: be lazy at home and eat lots and hang out with friends and family.

Sara's random thoughts, since I know you were wondering...
I really hate being cold. Being cold and being bored watching football is not a good combination.

Being broke and being in a mall and having a debit card that you can but shouldn't use is also a bad combination.

I can't wait til this test is over because I am tired of studying for it.

Those boys that only like you when they are inbetween girlfriends are extremely annoying. And I think I ran into one today. Yes, the more I think about it, the more I think I did. I haven't heard that he broke up with what's her face, but the more I think about it, the more I am sure that he must have. I need to not think about this.

I can't wait til this semester is over.
Although I am going to miss doing art. I never study unless I have a test in one of my non-art classes. Mostly I sit around gluing projects together or pulling my hair out trying to design something, or messing around with charcoal in the studio. It's a good life but a very busy one, contrary to the beliefs of some people...("art isn't really work!")

Speaking of haivng to study for exams I had best get cracking at this book again. The definition of a footcandle, a lumen and a something something is yada yada...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

to ronald whoever you may be...

Well, Ronald, in honor of your, errr, interesting comments on my blog which sparked more discussion than this poor blog has seen since Christmas, I have decided to dedicate this post to you. And it has given me opportuntity to vent about something that bothers me...not that I can do a whole lot about it other than voice my opinion, but that is the purpose of a blog. Random ramblings.

I wasn't really all that mad about the comment about how my picture needs to have the face edited out. In fact, I can't remember last time a comment made me laugh so hard. It really reminded me of my sister. :-) I forget what it's like at home when I've been gone for so long... Anyway, my pet peeve is how the Internet does not accurately portray emotions. For example, some of the sarcastic things I've said have been taken completely the wrong way...some of the joking things too. It's far too easy to hurt people when you don't think. And often I do not think before IM'ing or commenting on people's blogs. It's so easy; it only takes a minute. But sometimes more than a minute's worth of thought should go into what you say. Even changing one word slightly can sometimes change the whole tone of what you are saying. This is an admonishment to myself more than anything. It's slightly easier to say what you mean with e-mail (especially when you write as long e-mails as I have...certain people know what I'm talking about, don't you, Jessi?), but I have definately had things taken the wrong way in e-mails as well. And I have taken things the wrong way, too, causing more mess than there ever should have been...

This is just one more category where we need to guard our tongues even though, technically, I suppose it is the quickly (or not so quickly lol) fingers that need the guarding.

And now I am done voicing my opinion on that subject. Feel free to say what you think...or whatever you feel like saying...just do us all a favor and think a minute longer than you think you have to. Heh now I am going to get absolutely no comments. People do not like having to wait a minute for anything.

Tonight is Fireside Chat which should be a good time. Bekah, AnaMarie, and Jacob are coming up :-)!! Then another week of exam after exam (well, only two) and project after project, and on Friday I am going to Bloomington for the weekend. Liz, Kelly, and I are going to the Oaken Bucket football game against IU and we are going to win!! Woo hoo! And then two more days of school and Thanksgiving break. I can't wait.

See y'alls around!!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

28 to 21

The Boilers actually won a football game--isn't that great?? And I went to it, too! It was my very first Purdue football game. Boy am I glad they won :-).

After the game I went to a Parent's Dinner at church that my parents came to. I just got back from a rather circuitous trip home with Mia and Christie. Mia took home some of the fish that were part of the table decorations so we went to Wal-Mart to buy a home for them, as well as some food and decorative gravel stuff.

While we were in line I was reading the covers for some of the magazines...looks like Britney and Kevin are headed to Splitsville as well as Jessica and Nick...most of the stuff is garbage in case you couldn't tell! There was one cover, though, that had "then" and "now" pictures of some actresses, proclaiming how much "healthier" they have become. The "then" pictures were disgustingly thin, and the "now"s were still skinny but more normal. We've all heard about how bad the media is in this area, showing "perfect" models, and bringing about anorexia, etc. in teenage girls. We've heard so much, in fact, that some media people are wising up and having articles like the one I saw, portraying larger women in their ads, celebrating size, and on and on. But does this really work? If every single teen mag stops showing exclusively skinny models is it really going to change things? Yes we celebrate different sizes...but deep in their hearts girls are still going to be jealous of the skinny blonde and they are still going to want to see something else in the mirror even if their own body size and shape is plastered on billboards and fills up "Seventeen" pages.

I suppose I should have a point to this rambling...I think it is something along the lines of, I appreciate that the media is going more towards normal and away from sickly skinny. However, given the nature of girls, I'm not sure that it will do a whole lot of good. Girls are not stupid. They know that the skinny actresses are the ones that make it to the big screen. They know that the media is being pushed to portray "healthy" and "size diversity", but they also know that in real life, the skinny girls that stole their boyfriends last month are twenty pounds lighter than they are.

This topic is now open for discussion. So, discuss away!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

tomorrow is gonna rock my socks

Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day. For starters, I only have two classes on Wednesdays. Granted, they are both two whole hours long (not power hours) and the first one starts at 7:30 am, but one of them is drawing and that class is fun and the other one I have a project due in, which means we will be discussing/critiquing/poking fun at each other's art instead of working on stuff (don't ever try to cut mats with Xacto knives before eight a.m.). Which brings me to my other piece of news as to why tomorrow will be great....

IT'S BEFORE MIDNIGHT AND MY PROJECT IS ACTUALLY DONE!!!!!!!!!! Yes, completely done. Name in ink, mats with tracing paper overlay, pencils lines erased, DONE. Usually I end up doing at least some of those things in class right before I hand them in. Not tomorrow!

So, then I'm done with class at 1:30 so I will do homework for the rest of the afternoon and catch up on some reading, and then Ross and Josh and I are going to Indy for CYA! This is the first time I've been able to go with them because usually I have my Nav's Bible study on Wednesday nights. So, yes, it shall be a great day. And the sooner I get to sleep, the sooner it will begin, so good night. I hope you all have terrific Wednesdays as well!!