I am in enemy territory. And we have conquered it! The score of the Old Oaken Bucket (IU-Purdue) football game was 41 to 14!
Last night we drove down here and stopped at Kelly's house for dinner. After the game we went to the mall (I haven't been in one of those for WAY too long...probably a good thing considering my budget right now!) and Target. Kelly had to leave and Liz and I considered going out but ended up just doing homework...how dorky is that? Some of her best friends from high school stopped by so I finally got to meet some of the people I've heard a lot about.
Sara's schedule in case you were wondering...
Monday: Big(gish) art project due. At 7:30 a.m. Not liking that idea so much. Tuesday: Big exam. Study from whenever I get up until 3 pm. Tuesday night: GO HOME! Wednesday through Sunday: be lazy at home and eat lots and hang out with friends and family.
Sara's random thoughts, since I know you were wondering...
I really hate being cold. Being cold and being bored watching football is not a good combination.
Being broke and being in a mall and having a debit card that you can but shouldn't use is also a bad combination.
I can't wait til this test is over because I am tired of studying for it.
Those boys that only like you when they are inbetween girlfriends are extremely annoying. And I think I ran into one today. Yes, the more I think about it, the more I think I did. I haven't heard that he broke up with what's her face, but the more I think about it, the more I am sure that he must have. I need to not think about this.
I can't wait til this semester is over.
Although I am going to miss doing art. I never study unless I have a test in one of my non-art classes. Mostly I sit around gluing projects together or pulling my hair out trying to design something, or messing around with charcoal in the studio. It's a good life but a very busy one, contrary to the beliefs of some people...("art isn't really work!")
Speaking of haivng to study for exams I had best get cracking at this book again. The definition of a footcandle, a lumen and a something something is yada yada...