
...observations on my life and things around me...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

more horsey stuff, can you believe it??

I am an extremely horsey mood. I am just warning you, in case any of my readers happen to be tired of my frequent equine remarks... Today was a really good day. I had a nice ride, it was nice weather (not hot and lots of misty rain that's really fun to walk around in!), there weren't an overbearing amount of riders (probably due to the lovely misty rain), and I even got to ride a pony! After we had unsaddled everyone, Amber took her horse Denny out to the grassy spot so he could eat some (because she spoils him rotten) and I didn't want to just sit out there without a horse too, but they were all turned out so I went and got this fat little white pony. When I was going to put him back in his lot with all his adorable little pony friends, I got Sarah (who works there also) to lead him so I could sit on him bareback. It was fun but I wouldn't do it all the time on account of my feet being only a foot off the ground, which would indicate that it probably was not too comfy for the poor guy.

I warned you that this would be horsey!

Other than all that, nothing of note has happened lately... Some of you might know that work has been a bit rough for me--certain days more than "a bit"-- due to a, shall we call it "incident" that is supposed to remain confidential. Well, I am all tangled up in it even though I didn't do it, but I still have had to endure multiple meetings with my bosses as well as questioning from a guy from the Child Protection Services. He asked me flat out if I did it. Twice!! It was very uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure, however, that my boss trusts me because I still have a job. And she hasn't placed any restrictions on me, so that's also good. You can pray though, that all of this gets cleared up. It's no fun whatsoever. And since the CPS is involved it will probably take forevvvverrr to be straightened out. OK, Sara, be optimistic. Maybe tomorrow I will go to work and everything will be normal and my boss will give me another raise! Yeah, there we go. Except the raise part is highly unlikely, considering people above me get as much as I do.

Love to you all, don't forget to comment because it will make your friend Sara really happy when the horsey euphoria wears off, and have a great week! What's left of it anyhow!!


  • At 15 July, 2005 06:23 , Blogger Ellie said...

    Well... I'm leaving you a comment so you stay happy for the rest of the week. Lol, I can just see you riding a pony with your legs almost touching the ground, that doesn't make for very good riding does it? You are going to have to tell me more about this "incident", it sounds very interesting. lol. Are you coming to see that movie with Your Parents, Jessica and I tonight? You should and then we should go shopping sometime, I get my paycheck today, yea!!! :) Well.. here's my long comment, be very proud of me! :) Love you -

  • At 16 July, 2005 19:03 , Blogger Charity said...

    It's great that you love horses so much. :-) Ohh I love misty rain!!! We had it all day at Covie on Wed., too!

  • At 20 July, 2005 12:18 , Blogger Kathryn said...

    Yeah, it's really fun to ride a pony. They defiantly have an attitude!!!


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