
...observations on my life and things around me...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I updated!!

Sorry I haven't updated for a while! My dad's laptop--the only Internet computer at our house-- is currently in Washington, D.C. with him or I would have updated last night.

Anyway...I'm back to school. I got 2nd place in the speech contest. That's good because it satisfies my crave to be good at whatever I do, and it means that I don't have to go on to finals, which is good because I don't have time to go to finals right now. I messed up a little (no one else messed up AT ALL except one girl who got so nervous she ran out of the room to throw up.) However, the rest of the speakers didn't really connect with the audience very much. It was hard for me to get them to laugh (maybe they were too serious after all the we-must-do-this-right-now speeches?), but they did a little bit. That's the best way to get an audience to like you!

SonRise was fun. I didn't sleep as much as I meant to. All the games and everything seemed to get pushed back later than they were supposed to be, so I think that there was less sit-around-and-and-play-I-Never time so I didn't feel like sleeping was worth it. I did snooze for a little bit though. We made movies instead of bowling. Ours was really stupid. We were all hyper (well some of us...including me...) and couldn't stop laughing, plus we accidentally filmed parts where we were talking about what we should do next and we didn't know how to re-record over that stuff. So we didn't win anything in the Academy Awards but that's OK. Some of the other movies, that had plots and non-laughing actors, were pretty good.

On Saturday I got home and read the funnies and had a peice of cake and went to bed. I slept until my sister (who had to go to lifeguarding class) yelled at me to get up. That was at 2:30. I was not ready to get up but I did anyway and went outside and thought about doing homework (but didn't actually do it). Then that night I went to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the IRT with Allen and Zachary and Elliot and some people from Southside. It was sort of cool and pretty understandable for being Shakespeare, but I think that if we tried to do anything like that for the play Mrs. Long would give us a lecture two hours long. (Suggestive dancing, in case if you were wondering.) After that we went to Johnny Rocket's in the mall and ate overpriced food. Personally, I prefer McDonald's type pricing but not their type of food. That rarely works in real life. If only I could plant a money tree in my backyard...

Overall, life is pretty good. I love the beautiful weather and I'm getting my senior pictures taken on Thursday and I can't wait! At least one of them is going to have Breezy in it. Breezy is a beautiful bay horse in case if you were wondering.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day! Thanks for checking my blog even though there tends to be a bit of a lack of updation...


  • At 20 April, 2005 11:46 , Blogger Edwin Allen Henry said...

    We may have had a plot in our movie - but we also totally had a laughing actor - :-D I couldn't help but laugh that one time... but it worked out, so that was cool...
    Also, I updated my blog so check out the latest post and comment, have you the time!

    God Bless,

  • At 22 April, 2005 15:54 , Blogger Ellie said...

    Hey -
    I added you to my links when I finally updated them... :) Congrats about the speech contest - that's really great!
    luv ya


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