soul goal
Preparing lesson plans for Bible stories is so fun. I did it for about an hour tonight. Not to say that I have grand aspirations of becoming a kindergarten teacher or anything, but I do like working with the kids, a very good thing indeed considering how much time I have to spend with them.
It's not so simple as it sounds because you have to keep the attention of about twenty kids, and you have to get a specific point across. In the end, I've discovered that they really only pay attention when you relate it directly to one thing: themselves. This phenomonen is not unique to herds of kindergartners. Have you noticed how many people are not past that five-and-six-year-old stage where the only thing worth caring about is themselves?
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one whose sole goal in life is to glorify God. I sit and stare at the sky and wonder if maybe the rest of the world has just not caught on to the fact that God is absolutely vital. I get a disappointed twist in my stomach when people who call themselves Christians go make stupid, selfish decisions again and again. Why doesn't anyone else care what He thinks?? Can't they see what they are doing hurts His image?
But alas, much like a kindergartner, a thought of mine is only for thirty seconds or so. In ironic twists of fate, such deep musings often come when I am supposed to be doing something else for somebody else. I feel bad enough pretending I'm perfect in my head; I feel worse when I'm pretending I'm perfect in my head while my body is clearly not doing whatever task it is currently supposed to be performing.
In other news, Patrick Daniel Blue utterly rocks my socks.
Would you like to be the next sock-rocker mentioned on this blog? It's quite simple. All you have to do is build a loft for my bedroom in Shingle Paradise.
It's not so simple as it sounds because you have to keep the attention of about twenty kids, and you have to get a specific point across. In the end, I've discovered that they really only pay attention when you relate it directly to one thing: themselves. This phenomonen is not unique to herds of kindergartners. Have you noticed how many people are not past that five-and-six-year-old stage where the only thing worth caring about is themselves?
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one whose sole goal in life is to glorify God. I sit and stare at the sky and wonder if maybe the rest of the world has just not caught on to the fact that God is absolutely vital. I get a disappointed twist in my stomach when people who call themselves Christians go make stupid, selfish decisions again and again. Why doesn't anyone else care what He thinks?? Can't they see what they are doing hurts His image?
But alas, much like a kindergartner, a thought of mine is only for thirty seconds or so. In ironic twists of fate, such deep musings often come when I am supposed to be doing something else for somebody else. I feel bad enough pretending I'm perfect in my head; I feel worse when I'm pretending I'm perfect in my head while my body is clearly not doing whatever task it is currently supposed to be performing.
In other news, Patrick Daniel Blue utterly rocks my socks.
Would you like to be the next sock-rocker mentioned on this blog? It's quite simple. All you have to do is build a loft for my bedroom in Shingle Paradise.
At 27 July, 2006 00:21 , Jeremiah said...
Sorry for the sudden log off. My computer crapped out on me, and it still won't start up like it should. =/
At 27 July, 2006 10:47 , Anonymous said...
I just wanted to say that just now... like a second or two ago, I thought I was in the States. :) Heh - wierd... it's because I'm listening to... I think Lenny Kravitz right now on the radio, looking at your blog after some others I hadn't read in a while, and of course, being on my laptop.
Anyways, just wanted to share that.
God Bless!
At 28 July, 2006 21:29 , Anonymous said...
And if he'd build a coffee table too my socks would be similarly rocked off. As it is... ;-)
At 29 July, 2006 17:33 , Amy Thorne said...
::starts randomly singing Radiohead:: ...been thinking about you....
At 31 July, 2006 11:50 , hatrick said...
Wait, wait... so to rock Sara's socks off, we just have to be unemployed and be doing so little that we can't come up with an excuse to not do the bidding of others?
Dag, yo. (But seriously, it was a fun project)
At 31 July, 2006 23:26 , SaraY said...
Jeremiah~ no problem, I understand. I hope your laptop woes are fixed soon.
Allen~ boy, you guys aren't going to be at Purdue this fall. How strange is that. Well I hope you're having fun in Aussie...
Kara, I do indeed agree!
Amy! I've been thinking about you too! I pray God is using your family for exactly the purpose He put you there for.
Patrick, once again, many thanks :-) Not that I wish you to be unemployed...but it certainly came in handy ;-)
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