
...observations on my life and things around me...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Yesssss! She finally updated!!!!!!!!!!

In all fairness, I did warn you that my blog would experience a sharp decline in posting when I posted the Certificate of Death (which was really more like a Certificate of Slow and Eventual Decline Until Sara Returns to Purdue and Has Reliable Internet). Alas, my life is busy and full so scrounging around to figure out how to get on the internet has not been my top priority, contrary to the opinions of those who observed my IMing habits during the school year.

The adventures of Sara has a new chapter, or several, depending on how in depth you want to go. Amber and I took a road trip to Texas and I decided to move there. It pretty much looks like my junior year I might not be seeing Purdue at all, if I follow through on my plans which also include Sweden and maybe Italy for a little bit.

I have now seen what my back looks like when all the skin is peeling off it, due to spending a little too much time in the hot Texan sun with Amber (who is also peeling, in case you were wondering, although not as badly because she was smarter and reapplied sunscreen after we went swimming).

I have ridden a horse on the beach. Ahhh bliss. I have also discovered that my true calling is not, as I once thought, to own an Arabian, but might actually be to own an Appendix Quarter Horse. That is a very important, life-changing realization, for those who may have doubted the impact this choice has.

I have completed one week of training at Shepherd Community (a downtown mission to intercity families). The kids arrive at day camp on Monday. Woohoo!

I have ridden my bike up a hill with two lampstands digging into my back through my backpack, while carrying two lamp shades and a colander. Poor college student + apartment to be shared with a sister and two friends = garage sale shopping.

I have experienced the joy of shopping for nine or so hours with my aunt Birgitta (from Sweden!!). I have shopping in my genes; I just know it. All my aunts on both sides love to shop, even though my mom's not terribly fond of it.

That was the Cliff's Notes version of the latest chapters in the life of Sara. It was a bit dry and maybe even (gasp!) boring, but at least you know I'm still alive and still remember how to type.


  • At 14 June, 2006 23:32 , Blogger SaraY said...

    I hope you see on Friday...going blind would not be fun and going blind on a Friday would just be the pits.

    And if that sentence was supposed to have a "you" in it; well, unfortunately you won't be seeing me unless you feel like moseying over to good old Indy (not recommended during your own graduation).

    Hope y'alls have a great time though!

  • At 18 June, 2006 15:30 , Blogger Jeremiah said...

    Wow, I find it hard to believe that you're moving to Texas with Amber. After all the raving over Purdue, and staying in an apartment with your sister and friends. Life sure does have crazy turns.

    Oh, rememer the IM from long ago about "The One" and my cousins view on the deal and just all that shtuff? Well, I finally went through with posting of what I've learned:


    We need to do lunch soon,

  • At 20 June, 2006 16:30 , Blogger SaraY said...

    Lunch! Yes! Mr B! Fizzix! Good times! Sorry, all the rest of your post went out my head when I was reminded of that. It'll have to be a Saturday or Sunday for me...maybe we could even do some late-lunch after-church type of thing.

    Seriously, I did actually catch the rest of that, and I will go read your post. Right now in fact.

    Oh by the way, I love Purdue dearly, and I always will, but it's gonna be weird going there for just one semester after Sweden and difficult to find an apartment, etc. etc. so why not go to TX?


  • At 20 June, 2006 23:26 , Blogger Jeremiah said...

    No instate tuition?

    Anywho, I'll call you soon about lunch. =)



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