
...observations on my life and things around me...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I ain't a maid no more

Well, the play is over. I am glad because it was taking up a lot of time and rehearsals were kind of boring. I am sad because performing was sooo much fun. And to think I never wanted to be in a play! I thought it would be like public speaking. But it isn't--I don't really get nervous, and it's lots of fun because I don't have to do it alone! Thanks you guys for doing such a good job! I'm sure that helped me to do better too. Thursday night was the best--after that awful dress rehearsal! Friday was OK too but we weren't as hyped up. Thank you to everyone who came and saw it too! We can't do it without an audience!

So after Friday's performance (our last one, sniff sniff) we went over to David's house for a party for all the cast members, where we basically just played games and talked and ate Nutter Butters (at least I did--mmm!). Then Ellie and Mary H slept over so we stayed up until...hmmm. I don't remember. But I do remember that my dad made us Swedish pancakes at like one a.m. :-)

If you were in the play please leave as your comment your favorite line (for example, "Do I have a sign around my neck that reads "invitation by charity only?" or whatever.) If you weren't in the play but you came you can just say how wonderful it was. And if you weren't in it and didn't come, you can just say how wonderful I am :-) lol.

My favorite line:
"Yes, Miss Jo, what is it? You look as though someone just pinched or slapped your rosy cheeks!" (with accent)


  • At 02 May, 2005 22:50 , Blogger Jeremiah said...

    Luke Hovee saving his line with the "bear" and "beer" and when he did his little dance deal. Which wasn't a line but more of an action. Hilarious.

    I could say more but this is the one I shall have on here. heh


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