
...observations on my life and things around me...

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Hey everyone!

Last night I went to Southside with Bekah, Megan and Julie and saw part of SS's talent show. It was OK. Most of the people were playing instuments so it felt more like a recital than a talent show. We left part way through though, because it was going on for so long and we were going swing dancing. That was fun! We went to Fountain Square. I haven't been there forever, and I haven't been swing dancing since this summer at Conner Prairie. I'm not particularily good at it, but it's still fun. I love Fountain Square. It feels like it's right out of the fifties.

I still don't know my lines for the play... They're pretty easy though. Every time Marmee (the mom) says "Hannah, fetch me whatever" I say, "Yes, Mrs. March." Once I come in with a letter and once I tell the girls where there mom is and what a wonderful person she is and that we should get breakfast ready. Mostly I'm just in the background doing work. Haha. I'm supposed to have an accent, which makes it harder, but I'll figure it out.

This week for Physics we had to do Rube Goldberg machines. Mine was designed to wake someone up and prepare breakfast and David kindly volunteered to be my guinea pig so he got ice dumped all over him....Sorry, David! It was funny though. :-) Very funny. And then he was supposed to sit up, which pulled a weight off a teeter totter so that a ball rolled down a tube and hit a precariously balanced container of milk, which then poured into a bowl of Froot Loops.

And that, my friends, has been my life so far this week. Plus a lot of school work. When will it ever end?! I can't wait for summer!

Oh, I'm riding on Monday so I'm happy. If I'm in a ridiculously happy crazy mood at play practice, that will be why. I assume no responsibility for my actions, including ones like not knowing my lines. Haha, too bad I can't really do that!


  • At 01 March, 2005 08:16 , Blogger Ellie said...

    You'll do fine with your lines dear... you don't have half as many as I do... and your accent will be fine. You do not have to worry about it.
    I would agree with Amber.. Lucky Charms.. :)


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