
...observations on my life and things around me...

Monday, May 01, 2006

my day went like this...

So, this is what finals week is like. You accidently ignore your alarm clock and wake up when your friend knocks on your door for breakfast. You go to breakfast and hang out for longer than usual because you don't have a class to go to. You come back and study til you can't bear it, and then you take a shower. After that you walk to lunch in the rain, but you like rain, so it's all cool. Then you fill out a job application and walk over to deliver it. After that you purpose to study some more, but your friend calls you and you end up talking for an hour and a half. Your roomie laughs at your conversation because you are dork and it's funny. Then you go to dinner with a friend who's turning 19. Then you study until another friend calls you. You finally get back to studying only to have another friend stop by. You end up messing around on facebook, surprise, surprise. You realize you feel like updating your blog, so you do that. Then you return to studying. I hope. You realize the test is in eight hours and frantically hit the "publish" button and HIT THE BOOKS!!!!!!


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