
...observations on my life and things around me...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

this is why

There are things people do that I don't understand. They say things they don't mean and they do things they know they shouldn't. Sometimes they say they're sorry but I wonder if they really mean it.

There's things God does or lets happen that I don't understand. There is supposed to be a divine plan in there somewhere but all I see is a muddled mess of human emotions.

Then comes the part where I do things I don't understand. I know that humans are fickle and fallen but God isn't seeming so great either. I stare at the ceiling and there are strange wet things in my eyes and my mouth is screaming

Has this ever happened to you? You would think I would learn. And I have learned. I have learned that for some reason that makes utterly no sense, God always answers me. When I think I have lost hope I find it again. And that makes me ask again, why God? Why do You care enough about me to show me when I'm so very wrong?


  • At 22 February, 2006 22:56 , Blogger David Pulliam said...

    Some things are just too big for us. :(

  • At 27 February, 2006 01:39 , Blogger Charity said...

    Wow, Sara. That was a thought-provoking post. I think I've been there before, too. heh, actually I know I have been--many times. But like you said, God always finds a way to give me hope again. When I think I am at the end of my rope, He somehow sees me through. My dad said something in his sermon on Sunday about this... he said that often we ask God why He allows certian situations in our lives when we should ask Him how He is going to use certian things in our lives.

    Yeah, it's true that humans are fallen and therefore tend to hurt us a whole lot by actions and/or words. But you know that God is always, always there--perfect and unchanging. THat's always good to know..


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