The Evils of Christmas
Due to the importance of this topic, I have abandoned my one-word title rule. Also, because I don't know anyone bloggers who agree with me, I am going to tread carefully but I want my opinion to be heard. I want everyone who reads this to seriously think about why you celebrate Christmas. Please tell me-- I'd like to know, even if it's just "It's a tradition!"
I'm dividing this into 3 topics (I know, I know, English class is getting to me...): the origins of Christmas, what it means now, and how people view you if you do or don't celebrate Christmas. I am NOT a scholar on this topic. I don't really have time to read up on it right now, so I'm just sharing what I know off the top of my head.
Once upon there was a pagan holiday that had to do with the winter solstice. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with sun worship or not. Christians, obviously, did not celebrate this holiday. However, gradually becoming more worldly, they decided to do the same thing--have a holiday--at the same time, just doctor up the reason for it a little. They decided to celebrate Christ's birth, a wonderful thing in itself. (His birthday was really in October or November, I think.) So, they did many of the same things as the pagans but declared that it was for the Lord. They cut down trees and decorated them (there's a verse in Isaiah that says something about the pagans who cut down the tree and decorate them.) God did not want His people to participate in this form of idolatry. However, there were still some Christians who saw the sin in this new holiday. Some of them were the Puritans. When they arrived in America, they made it illegal to celebrate Christmas. It was also illegal to take off work that day. Eventually, though, even the descendants of the noble founders of our nation gave in to the very tempting sin and began celebrating Christmas too.
So what does Christmas mean today? Christmas is a hypocrite in many ways. It's supposed to be about Christ, but instead it's become about presents. Those who do choose to celebrate Christ through it don't realize that they are disobeying the very God they claim to honor. God says we are not to take on the customs of the nations when worshipping Him. There were drastic consequences for those who would dare to offer strange incense to the Lord or sacrifice their children to Him. It's a great thing to honor Christ and remember His birth. However, it's a sin to do it in a way that God proclaimed not to.
So what do people think if you celebrate Christmas? Nothing! They think you're normal. They say "Merry Christmas" and perhaps give you a present. If you tell them why you celebrate Christmas, they might think you are overly religious but sometimes appreciate the reminder of the "Reason for the Season" since they get caught up in all the worldly aspects of it so easily. So what happens if you don't celebrate the holiday? You certainly get people's attention. "You're crazy! How do you ever get any presents? You don't get any presents? Oh my goodness. Somebody hand me my smelling salts." (old lady). "Man, that stinks. Well, once you move to Purdue you don't have to do whatever your parents tell you any more." (dude who thinks he's so cool) "Oh, well, I guess you can't come to my Christmas party then. So why don't you celebrate it?" (friend) Once you have the attention, you can shine it on what really matters--God. Or I guess you can play the sympathy card ("I haven't gotten any presents since my birthday. Sniff, sniff. And I really need some new CDs too. You know, I really wouldn't be offended if you got me a present..."). That's not my line though.
So, if you actually waded through that lengthy post, you know why I don't celebrate Christmas. You also know why you shouldn't! I think everyone should take a good deep look at why they participate in this holiday.
I'm dividing this into 3 topics (I know, I know, English class is getting to me...): the origins of Christmas, what it means now, and how people view you if you do or don't celebrate Christmas. I am NOT a scholar on this topic. I don't really have time to read up on it right now, so I'm just sharing what I know off the top of my head.
Once upon there was a pagan holiday that had to do with the winter solstice. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with sun worship or not. Christians, obviously, did not celebrate this holiday. However, gradually becoming more worldly, they decided to do the same thing--have a holiday--at the same time, just doctor up the reason for it a little. They decided to celebrate Christ's birth, a wonderful thing in itself. (His birthday was really in October or November, I think.) So, they did many of the same things as the pagans but declared that it was for the Lord. They cut down trees and decorated them (there's a verse in Isaiah that says something about the pagans who cut down the tree and decorate them.) God did not want His people to participate in this form of idolatry. However, there were still some Christians who saw the sin in this new holiday. Some of them were the Puritans. When they arrived in America, they made it illegal to celebrate Christmas. It was also illegal to take off work that day. Eventually, though, even the descendants of the noble founders of our nation gave in to the very tempting sin and began celebrating Christmas too.
So what does Christmas mean today? Christmas is a hypocrite in many ways. It's supposed to be about Christ, but instead it's become about presents. Those who do choose to celebrate Christ through it don't realize that they are disobeying the very God they claim to honor. God says we are not to take on the customs of the nations when worshipping Him. There were drastic consequences for those who would dare to offer strange incense to the Lord or sacrifice their children to Him. It's a great thing to honor Christ and remember His birth. However, it's a sin to do it in a way that God proclaimed not to.
So what do people think if you celebrate Christmas? Nothing! They think you're normal. They say "Merry Christmas" and perhaps give you a present. If you tell them why you celebrate Christmas, they might think you are overly religious but sometimes appreciate the reminder of the "Reason for the Season" since they get caught up in all the worldly aspects of it so easily. So what happens if you don't celebrate the holiday? You certainly get people's attention. "You're crazy! How do you ever get any presents? You don't get any presents? Oh my goodness. Somebody hand me my smelling salts." (old lady). "Man, that stinks. Well, once you move to Purdue you don't have to do whatever your parents tell you any more." (dude who thinks he's so cool) "Oh, well, I guess you can't come to my Christmas party then. So why don't you celebrate it?" (friend) Once you have the attention, you can shine it on what really matters--God. Or I guess you can play the sympathy card ("I haven't gotten any presents since my birthday. Sniff, sniff. And I really need some new CDs too. You know, I really wouldn't be offended if you got me a present..."). That's not my line though.
So, if you actually waded through that lengthy post, you know why I don't celebrate Christmas. You also know why you shouldn't! I think everyone should take a good deep look at why they participate in this holiday.
At 10 December, 2004 11:05 ,
David Pulliam said...
I understand what you're saying and I do agree that Christmas has had some bad roots. What I sometimes wonder, does God want us to give to each other and to try to have families come together for a small time? Christmas is a holiday that I look forward too because there I get to see all of my family, we get to talk, have fun, and really come together again.
At 10 December, 2004 15:01 ,
SaraY said...
All the "good" reasons for celebrating Christmas, like being with family and honoring Christ's birth, are good things. However I don't think it's right to do them in this way. It's like Robin Hood--it's good to give to the poor but it's not OK to steal from the rich to get the $ to give to the needy. Good idea, but wrong way to accomplish it.
At 12 December, 2004 13:24 ,
David Pulliam said...
Many of the traditions of Christmas aren't "christian" but that doesn't mean you have to do them, and it doesn't mean that Christmas is a bad holiday because if you do, then it's like saying that the NBA is bad.
At 12 December, 2004 15:58 ,
Edwin Allen Henry said...
Okay, I recently read a very well written article by a reformed pastor against Christmas... I didn't really agree with most of it, but I asked my dad and he said a few things about the whole Christians celebrating Christmas thing (Keep in mind that I believe if YOU don't think you should celebrate Christmas, then you shouldn't! If your conscience tells you that you shouldn't celebrate it, than certainly you should not! As for me, I am not convicted in the same way as you are in this subject, and the same for you to me in some subjects, I know) - Lol - sorry about the long (); back to the subject now:
About the Christians celebrating Christmas thing: Okay, my dad said (and I agree with what he said) that he does not think Christmas shoudl be an emphasis in the church, however, he was told my a pastor that there was a tendacy to be able to preach on Christ's birth any day except the closest to Christmas day... and that seems kind of silly. Also, my dad has asked various people that since we shouldn't celebrate Christmas, does that mean we shouldn't "celebrate" Labor day, Independence day, mother's day, father's day, birthdays, &c. (that's etc. if any of you didn't realize ;)), and has never recieved any satisfactory answer. Also, he spoke of someone who was becoming convinced that he shouldn't celebrate Christmas from reading some articles about it, but then he found out that the same people who were writing the artcles celebrated Reformation day in their churches... so, those are just a few thoughts on the issue.
One more thought I had was that Christmas (however skewed it may be) appalls a lot of non-Christians, because it IS a celebration of the birth of Christ! I mean, I know 'tis a bit messed up with all the traditions and etc, but non-Christians are trying to "kill" Christmas... making it "winter solistice," "happy holidays," "x-mas," "Kwanzaa," &c.
I am certainly not the most expert person on this subject (by FAR), but these are just some thoughts... again, I think that if you do not think that you should celebrate Christmas, than you shouldn't. As for me, I'm not convicted of such.
hmm... I think I'll update me blog now. :)
Anyways, God Bless, and I'll see ya!
At 13 December, 2004 11:50 ,
SaraY said...
But David, the NBA *is* bad! Jk, jk, but you have to admit nobody and nothing on earth is perfect.
Allen, you are absolutely right: if you are doing something that you believe is a sin, you are definately sinning. Paul ( I think) talks about how some people don't eat meat bc they weren't fully convinced that Christ cleansed it or whatever, and that to them to eat it was a sin bc that's how they saw it. But the Bible also says that there are unwitting sins. Like, if you didn't know something was wrong and you do it, it's still a sin and you have to ask God to forgive you which is why lots of people when asking for forgiveness of sins also ask forgiveness for sins they didn't know they did.
I don't want to make all of you guys think that I think you're horrible sinners and need to get on your knees and ask God's forgiveness. I really don't know if you're sinning at all. I think that has to do with how much you get into it--like do you pracitically worship your tree and greedly count your presents? It's probably possible to celebrate Xmas without sinning but I *don't* know and ya know, I don't really want to find out too late.
Me, I just want nothing to do with it. You might think I'm crazy but there it is.
At 13 December, 2004 11:52 ,
SaraY said...
Oh and that verse is in Jeremiah not Isaiah but I don't have a Bible right now (in the library...just finished my final project! hallelujah!) so I will post it in its entirety later.
At 13 December, 2004 20:16 ,
David Pulliam said...
Sara, since humans aren't perfect, then the holidays that we celebrate won't be perfect. You don't celebrate Christmas because of some of it's backround, but if you think like that about Christmas then you shouldn't do anything connected to a nonechristian backround since some of Christmas' backround isn't Christian.
At 13 December, 2004 22:17 ,
Anonymous said...
I knew that Christmas had pagan roots and my family has had conversations about that before. My parents actually don't like to emphasize the "religious" aspect of Christmas b/c of how the Christians almost used it as a cover so they could celebrate it I mean we ponder Christ's coming to earth, but with this holiday if you get wrapped up in the religious side of it we can tend to stop at the birth and not go on to the ultimate sacrifice and reason for the birth, but they never emphasized the santa side of it either. Instead we use it as time to give one another gifts (nothing wrong with that), eat, be happy, decorate our house "cheerily", and get into holiday spirit. Do you guys celebrate easter? It is a holiday with very pagan roots as well. Anyway, I definitely see your point, but I don't agree with it. However, excellent point, you educated me, and I appreciate your view. ~Margaret
At 14 December, 2004 15:46 ,
Shirley Temple said...
okay first off about that verse on cutting down a tree and decorating it is talking about idols. i don't know about you but i don't know a single person who bows down to their tree and kills a cow for it. also there are some people who get the christmas season off (teachers, profs those types) and they don't have to use vacation days. now wouldn't you take the chance to go visit your fam. also at my church we have a halloween alterintave called the fall fun night were we chose a theme the little kids get to dress up go to all these boothes play game and get candy so using your logic that would be evil too. but it gives them a lot of joy and its fun. also does everything you do have to be christian??? just because its not christian does not mean that its sin.
At 14 December, 2004 16:03 ,
Stryder said...
I'm an atheist and I celebrate Christmas (I actually prefer the term Xmas), in spite of the fact that some of its roots are in Christianity.
I enjoy visiting my wife's aunt's family (a wonderful woman and a Christian). I love our Xmas tree. I love the fact that people talk about helping the poor (particularly in this political climate) and expressing love for their families and coworkers and friends, regardless of their race, social standing or religious affiliation.
Sure there's lots of hypocricy, and some of it comes from me. But it's a season and a time of year that I think brings more good than bad.
All the best.
At 15 December, 2004 22:14 ,
Charity said...
I agree with Reba. And with Allen. Seriously I was very offended by your post. I'm sorry if I shouldn't have been, but I was. God tells us that if we ourselves are convicted of something, then WE shouldn't do it. He does NOT tell us to go tell other people that it is wrong! You do realize that you just accused my family and MANY of the people on here of only "Claiming" to serve God and being in dangerous sin by bringing Him into Christmas, dont' you!?!?!? Um really shouldn't have done that. Also, Rebekah (i didn't read everyone's comments...) has a GREAT point about #1, you using the verse TOTALY out of context and #2, our church celebrates Halloween in a way to get the kids AWAY from the pagan and evil of Halloween with an alternative fun night. And yeah, that is not evil. In Evansville we celebrated Reformations Day and that has to do with God! Are we all oh so evil now? Ok ok ...I'm sorry. I put off commenting on here for a while because I don't know you and I know I would get mad and "vent"...but I know that's something god tells us not to do so...I'm sorry. but I am still offended by this. Please rethink some of what you said and especialy accused people of. If you don't celebrate Christmas, I am not going to condemn you for it. I have a good friend who's family doesn't do it. And that's fine by me! Just the way you presented this post was...I dont' know...offending. Haha. sorry I've said that too much. Well I'm not going to read over this before I post it so it's prolly gonna not make much sense and sound really angry and awful...again...sorry that I am saying this to you, who I don't know.
In Christ,
At 15 December, 2004 22:16 ,
Charity said...
Sorry that was horribly written and has a ton of mistakes in it...maybe tomorrow my head will clear and I will be able to write something reasonable to this without yelling and getting all upset.
In Christ,
At 17 December, 2004 20:35 ,
SaraY said...
OK, OK, where shall I begin.
Perhaps the verse (Jeremiah 10) was taken out of context. I don't know. I just know that to some people, their Christmas tree is very very important, and I'm not saying that it's any of you guys, but to some people they would give up practically anything before they give up all their precious Christmas traditions. Also, an idol is something you place ahead of God. I know that I have many such idols--at times, even school! As in, I would rather finish my schoolwork than read the Bible.
David,you're right. We are all human. I totally completely am sinful, sometimes much more than any of you guys. So, I don't really have a right to preach at you about all this stuff. That's why I tried not to write this as a preachy peice, but more like why I don't celebrate Christmas. Also about the God never said to go around telling others why they shouldn't eat meat--good point. DOn't know exactly what to say. Except that if your friend was about to walk off a very minor cliff which might like, break his leg at most, wouldn't you tell him? Even if it wasn't a mega cliff that would kill him you would still tell him.
Charity, you have every right to be offended. I'm trying not to point fingers and say I think y'all are evil (which I don't--see above comment about own sinfulness). I have a terrible tendency to get all preachy and holier-than-thou that I am trying to overcome. (Just ask my EngComp professor about my paper on homosexuality!)
So, I hope you guys think about why you're doing stuff. Not just Christmas in particular. And I will too, bc I know there are many areas in my life where I would just have to answer "Cuz I want to! And it's the easy way!"
At 22 December, 2004 11:58 ,
SaraY said...
No, most people don't actually worship the tree. It's more like they worship (or place too high importance on) the whole holiday. Do you know how few people are actually willing to give up Christmas? Very very few, as evidenced by all these replies I've been getting.
Tradition can be a good thing, in some cases. Like, we always go to my Grandma's house for Thanksgiving, which is usually the only time all year we go down there. But with Christmas and other holidays like Easter (which I don't celebrate either, btw) you have to look for the reason behind the tradition: it was started with pagan origins. Maybe now you do it to serve God, but does He really want you to take the ways of the world and use it to worship Him? He says it is a sin to take the heathen's practices to serve Him! It's a nice clever way to look like a good little Christian while also doing what the rest of the world is doing. Did you know Chinese people, most of whom are not Christian, celebrate Christmas? Atheists even celebrate it! Talk about the ways of the world...
And one note to my friends, who probably think I hate them: I don't! I also don't think you are terrible people. Christmas is very deceiving--many people have no idea where it came from. Also, I know that many of you guys have close walks with God and I do think this is one aspect of your life you should consider and maybe pray about.
Challenge: Find one verse (or more) in the Bible that encourages Christmas!
Charity, see ya at Winter Conference! ;-)
At 22 December, 2004 14:04 ,
Charity said...
Hmm...nice challenge, I'll look into that. I won't say much more because I think people are wanting this debate to end...but I will say that I'm not sure that you can say just because the world does something, we may not do it. I mean, I see your point in that we aren't supposed to join in the 'ways of the world', but I don't think we can say 'because the world is doing this, it must be wrong'. Just a last thought...and I know I said it in my comment (but I'm not sure I meant it...) so, again, I'm sorry not exactly of WHAT I said, but of HOW I presented it. ;-) And yeah, see ya at Winter Con!
At 24 December, 2004 18:02 ,
SaraY said...
Well duh!
The entire world breathes and eats and sleeps and there's nothing wrong with that!
But leisure activity things are what you have to watch out for. Lots of teenagers smoke and drink and it's what the "popular" kids do. But that's not what I think we as Christians should be doing...
At 25 December, 2004 13:53 ,
Josh said...
I totally agree with you Sara. I've been working on a post about Christmas for a long time, but it hasn't quite gotten itself finished yet. I think everyone should read Romans 13. It says One man esteemeth one day above another, another man esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully presuaded in his own mind. I don't know if this verse is talking about observing the Sabbath day - no shopping or sports etc.. or if it is about holidays, but it is worth a lot iof thought.
At 26 December, 2004 18:46 ,
Melinda said...
i was browsing around the blog sites and i found reba's site, where she talked about this post. it sounded interesting so i checked it out. sara, you post some convincing thoughts as does everyone else, but i feel like there is something that no one has mentioned yet. what about people who do not follow christianity so closely? i am not an atheist, but i am not a full-on christian either. my family and i all celebrate christmas for different reasons. my older sister is becoming a buddhist and they teach not to harm people, physically or mentally. therefore, she does celebrate christmas with our family because not doing so would make my mother very sad. she and my dad are the most christian in my family, and i know my mother especially celebrates christmas for the birth of christ. however, she doesn't force it on us to do the same. my younger sister and i are rather undecided about our beliefs, but i still know for myself, without proving it to other people through bible verses written not by god but his followers, what feels right and wrong. i have never smoked, inhaled, or drunk anything wrong. our family as a whole celebrates christmas for the closeness and the rest from daily life and the joy of giving to others. as we don't have very much money, the holiday is not so much about gifts, but the happiness of being together. my point in all of this rambling is that i think sins are determined by yourself. not to dismember your beliefs, but i believe god can only guide you in your soul, and any written or otherwise rules about sin are guidelines not to be followed too closely. if they are, how can you enjoy life without constantly thinking if what you're doing is sinful? maybe i'm just not christian, but those are the rules i live by and i have turned out pretty well, i think.
At 28 December, 2004 03:13 ,
Jeremiah said...
In response to Josh. That verse also says somethin' else. Let everyone be persuaded in their own mind. This actually goes to everyone:
Sure, post your views, thoughts or w/e. That's one of the reasons for the blog. BUT, people be persuaded in their own mind. In this area, being convictions. Okay, you have yours. And perhaps, you're right. But then again, perhaps you're wrong. Perhaps there is no right or wrong. What matters most is what's between you and God. Yes? Yes.
Another note: "X" in "X-Mas" from what I'm told, is the Greek symbol for "Christ."
God Bless,
At 03 January, 2005 22:59 ,
Josh said...
In response to Jeremiah. I said that. I was saying that I totally agree with Sara in that I am fully persuaded that Christmas is evil, not that you or anybody else should or need to agree with us if your conscience allows you to be fully persuaded otherwise.
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