
...observations on my life and things around me...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

stealing the limelight

So, my dear sister has embarked upon an ambitious plan to have a blog. Thus far, her writings have been very amusing, but I wonder what she is going to write about when the flurry of excitement dies down. Right now all I have to do is walk in a room where either she or Kara is and they will start madly giggling or grinning ear to ear. Perhaps when events like....

It is sort of late at night, but it feels even later because Sara is sick, she has been up since way too early finishing homework she didn't do over the weekend, and she knows she has to get up to be at work at 6 am the next day. Not to mention she knows her father went out to dinner with a boy, and that boy's roommate (JOSHUA MICHAEL BRIGHT!! AHEM!) is IMing Kara things about the boy shutting himself up in his room with his guitar and such. Sara decides the day is over and goes to bed. Just as she is drifting off to sleep her phone rings. It is located on the floor, and Sara briefly considers yelling really loudly so Jessica will come answer it. Instead, she does the non-lazy thing and jumps out of bed (nearly getting a splinter in the process) and answers it. She isn't quite awake. It's Andrew. He is saying things about getting a milkshake. Sara thinks he is crazy. She's asleep.

Meanwhile, downstairs, the three roommates have caught on to what is going on upstairs (Shingle Paradise feels huge but there isn't much privacy). Sara stumbles downstairs once she has gotten off the phone. The roommates are insane. If they were molecules, they would definitely be in the gaseous state, bouncing off the walls. Sara wakes up. The roommates convince Sara to call Andrew back. She does. He says he will be there in five minutes. Sara yells loudly to the ceiling, "Help, now I have to figure out what to wear!" Kara calls, "Don't worry, I'll help you!" and sprints up the stairs. Jessica, who is IMing Mrs. Wegener on Kara's laptop, shouts, "His mom says he won't care what you wear!" Mia is the only sane one.

Sara throws on some clothes and finds her purse. Andrew arrives. They go to Steak n Shake and have a grand time. Sara even brings back half of her milkshake for her sister, who was whining about ice cream earlier in the evening. When they return Sara gets exactly four hours of sleep (she had to stay up a little later talking to Amber) and goes to work. She is not tired, but she does have class in less than an hour and she is wondering why she is updating her blog instead of doing homework.

...stop happening, Jessica will make her blog be about herself. But for now I suppose I get to steal the limelight.


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